Wednesday, July 1, 2009


cereal, berries, milk, coffeemilk: 5

2 laps around the block

cottage cheese: 2

seared ahi tuna on bed of coconut rice and wasabi paste--YUM. Ate only 1/2 c of rice... counting it as 4 points. Tuna was a small portion, 4 points? extra for the sesames which were crusted on the edges? Then ate two bites of bread, a bite of Michael's mac and cheese (which was delicious but he didn't eat...) and some of his peas: I think all-in-all it was 10

peach: 1

nibble of chocolate pound cake a friend brought, plus nibbles of M's dinner, including one piece of popcorn chicken: 2

walk to the park and back
cleaned out the basement, broke down boxes, carried it all to the curb, carried TVs and computers down from the 3rd floor.

butterfish leftovers, salad with feta and olives: 5

I think I have 2 points left. I'm going to look for something yummy. It's been a long day and I need a treat.

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