Wednesday, July 29, 2009

JW getting easier?

I did upper and lower body today and I swear it was a little easier. Still, kicked my behind. I'm still considering doing the core... but will likely skip since a friend is coming at 11:30 for lunch and I need to shower.

cereal, milk, berries: 4.5

10 JW

handful of crunchy curls: 1

Friend came over for lunch... mini splurge
bread (2), honey maple turkey (3), avocado (1), lite mayo (1), crunchy curls (2), cherries (.5), 1/2 ice cream sandwich: 10

yogurt, wheat germ: 3

4:00 watermelon: 1

lentils, chicken: 6

Rats... used all my points... and it's 8 o'clock and I want something... I might go for some watermelon.

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