Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, splurge and 169

I have broken the 160s barrier with a round 169 on the scale this morning. Yay me!

Then I went to the gym and did 50 minutes of cardio, crazy high-tech super hard eliptical machine and then treadmill. Then did some core stuff. Swimming lessons with Michael and Doug. Lunch at home with Doug while M napped. Then 2.5 hours at the mall and bought some cute interim stuff for me. A tahari dress and t-shirt, two pairs of long shorts and two tops--one t-shirt, one fancier. Spent less than $100. CRAZY SALES.... then home, played, showered, baked spanikopita before heading to the BBQ... now home... put M to bed and it's 8:40. Lunches aren't packed... nothing is ready for tomorrow. But, we had a great weekend.

cereal, milk, berries: 4.5

50 min cardio; core

banana, coffee: 2

1/2 Zbar: 1

1.5 egg & egg white omelet with low-fat chedder and lots of veggies, high-fiber english muffin, olio: 8

cottage cheese: 2

spinach dip, pita chips, carrots, 1.5 pieces spanikopita, bun, hamburger (yum), pickles, etc, 1/4 c cole slaw, 1.5 small sized brownies, 1 oreo cheesecake (make in cupcake tins--super yum!), watermelon. Drank water and diet coke.

I have no idea how many points this was... the spinach dip wasn't really worth it... but everything else: awesome. I skipped the beer and didn't have cheese on my burger.

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