Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Weekend

Saturday morning I went to WW and the grocery store. Motivated by my loss last month I bought a ton of fruits and vegetables.

Doug and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was great! We were supposed to go for ice cream afterward but it was raining out and we both wanted to get home to Michael (and to save the extra $10 we'd owe the babysitter).... So, that means I'll take my splurge day tomorrow at a BBQ.

cereal, milk, blueberries: 4.5

yogurt, berries, 1/2 c cereal: 3.5

JW lower and upper body

bread (2 pieces), chicken salad I made with leftovers from last night, pea pods: 5

(eaten 13)

canalini beans (how do you spell that legume?) 2

2 pc bread, chicken salad, corn: 7

skinny cow: 2

1 left over!

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