Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, yesterday I didn't feel so well. I got my period in the evening, which partially explains the pimples on my forehead, and some of the ill feelings. But I have also come to the realization that my GI tract may not appreciate cucumbers as much as my weight-loss-focused brain. I can't think of what else might have caused the gurgles... I peeled the damn thing, thinking that maybe the roughage-y and waxy peel was the culprit. No difference. So... today, I did eat a few cukes (yesterday there was a whole one cut up for lunch) but as part of a larger salad.

Any other thoughts as to what might be going on here?

Oh, and seriously--were period pains this bad before I had a baby?? They totally feel like contractions. CRAZY.

cereal, milk, berries: 4.5

oatmeal, milk, cherries: 4.5

salmon, salad w/cherries and pistachios: 5.5

apple: .5

14 eaten...not sure what to do for dinner since I don't feel so good... I think I'll defrost some homemade chicken soup...

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