Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday: 31 pts; 42 min cardio, weights

cereal, milk, berries, coffeemilk: 5

1/2 c cottage cheese, wheat germ, fruit: 3

bread, tuna salad, mayo on bread, small handful of pretzels, lettuce, 1/2 apple: 10

yogurt, cereal, honey: 4

4:14 gym 42 min eliptical; chest, bis and tris

4 oz salmon, 3/4 c rice pilaf, steamed squash: 9

yikes! I went over. How did that happen? The salmon... it's high in points, I know. I counted it as 6 for the 4 oz... I may have over counted my lunch but I rechecked the bread label and realized that it's higher in points than I thought! The pieces aren't all the same size--it's an oval loaf (pre-sliced).

I might have fruit later if I feel desperate but otherwise, that's it for the night!!

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