Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday--rough afternoon

I'm loving my new breakfast. It's pretty easy to make in my new miracle non-stick pan! I don't actually need the OO but it adds a little flavor without a lot of calories. I use just a very little bit.

My exercise for today will be the walk to and from the eye doctor--probably 30 minutes round-trip. 

egg+egg white, feta cheese, wilted spinach omelet, cooked in a little OO; coffee: 4

cookies, orange, yogurt, apple: 7

turkey sandwich, cut up veggies, diet coke: 5

another cookie (small one, but still): 2

chicken breast, salad w/OO, few bites of M's pasta: 4
dried apricots: 1

I'm so annoyed... I'm cranky. And therefore I'm eating... whatever. I'm over my points by 1 today. I need to put food out of my mind. Instead, I'm thinking about what other snack I could eat. WHY??

I did so well the first few days on 22 points. It's not impossible. I can do it. So, why am I eating crap at the office, or apricots after my dinner??

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