Friday, January 15, 2010

Insane day... weird eating.

egg+egg white, spinach, tomatoes, OO and feta: 4

1/4 c edemame: 1

2 wasa, sliced turkey, salad w/slivered almonds and dried cherries: 4

orange: 1

I was very busy at work today and didn't have much time to think about any snacks. Then I had to leave early to get M who wasn't feeling well at day care. By the time I got home I was starving!

few pita chips, edemame: 1

I had a ton of points left so I ate a bit more than usual for dinner... not 100% sure of points for latkes. Probably 3 points for 2--CRAZY!!

2 veggie burgers, 3.5 TJ latkes, salad w/OO, mango:10

Still, with all that extra latkes points I have 2 points left for the day... will probably eat yogurt as I haven't had any dairy yet today! I'm supposed to have at least 2 servings... must get better about that.
20 eaten

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