Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is it my imagination or are these jeans a little too loose

Wearing my size 14 gap jeans that were always "just right". They are a little roomy...

The thought of shopping for new jeans almost makes me want to gain a little weight back (just kidding).

I got to the gym today: 42 minutes walking at 3.8 on the treadmill on 2.5 or 3% incline. Livestrong said I burned 335 calories.

I don't like that Livestrong automatically adds those calories to your daily allotment. Typically I do'nt "eat" my exercise points. I realize that yesterday I did eat them, without thinking about it since I saw how many points I had remaining. I remember Indya talking about this a few weeks ago... that she doesn't enter in exercise until the end of the day. Now I see why.

I am feeling rather full--but not overly so--from dinner (2 veggie burgers, 2 c salad, lite dressing--raspberry vinegrette, beet/orange salad). So, I might just skip "dessert". Right now Livestrong says I have 370 calories remaining for the day (but minus the 335, that's only about 40 calories... so, an apple).

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