Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Up in the air

Things are still up in the air with us vis-a-vis childcare for Michael with Doug's new job. We saw 2 centers today. Neither hold a candle to our current place. I want to cry. But, I think the care will be good at the 2nd place. We will have to move him at age 3, if not before, because they only go up to that age... small center. I'm trying not to be depressed.

Meanwhile, on the food front, I have no idea what's going on.

cereal, milk, 1/2 banana: 5

cottage cheese: 2

dried mango, choc covered pretzels (stopped at whole foods for D to get lunch... ) 3

1/2 banana: 2
4 thin slices of turkey: 2
2 wasa, salad: 2
1 maple candy (not worth it!!!!!): 1

15 eaten

dinner tonight will be butternut squash soup, salad, giant beans, and veggie burgers. Totally do-able to stay within points.

Exercise was walking to and from the day care center and visitor parking--probably 1 mile total. But at least I moved my body. I'm really starting to feel the lack of exercise, and it doesn't feel good.

On a positive note, Michael slept THROUGH THE NIGHT for the first time in probably a month. And, at bed time he only cried for 30 minutes. Victory. But, his voice is totally hoarse from all the crying on Sunday night. Poor little guy!!!

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