Sunday, October 25, 2009


breakfast: egg+egg white, bread: 3

morning snack: apple+ cottage cheese: 3

lunch: 2 pc bread, turkey, lite mayo, 3/4 c roasted veggies: 6

afternoon snack: dried apricots and carrots, smear of hummos--maybe 2 tsp: 2

crunchy curls: 2
small glass wine (brought over by my neighbor): 2

small potato, 1 c. turkey chili, green beans sauteed with little OO: 6

24 eaten

This means I'm done eating for the day... Maybe I'll have a little fruit. I did better with the protein today but found that I was still hungry during the day. Poor choice of snack--crunchy curls for 2 points?? dumb... wine for another 2? But, now at the end of the day I feel satisfied so I guess all's well that ends well.

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