Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Shred

I just finished level 1 of the Shred. I have to say, it wasn't what I expected. First, I wanted to workout more today, my day home. This program has you do 20 minutes every day instead of offering options for longer workouts. That said, I am SWEATING right now. I think more than I do with JW.

I thought it was funny that Shred is shot in the same studio as JW.

I liked Jillian's look over the shoulder while stretching the shoulder. Much better. I also like that Jillian looks like a real person, instead of JW who is uber-toned.

Since it's 5:00 and the boys will be home soon... and I've done 2 loads of laundry--folded put away, changed the sheets, cooked an entree for tomorrow night's daycare party, baked eggplant for a eggplant parm for some time in the future, browned ground turkey for said eggplant parm, and worked a full day--believe it or not it was busy--I'm calling it quits and getting in the shower.

I'll try level 2 tomorrow morning.

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