Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Birthday: woke up dizzy, but weighed in at 167

So M was up at 3:45 last night, screaming like a banshee. We both woke up. I nursed him--I was too tired to realize that it was 3:45 and not 5:45. Then we gave him ibprophen and put him back to bed. He was up again at 5:15 or so. He nursed for probably an hour before Doug took him and fed him breakfast and I got 30 minutes more of sleep. Horrid. Then I finally get out of bed and I'm so light-headed that I nearly black out while trying to pour M a cup of milk!

I've now eaten some breakfast. Drinking my coffee... hoping that I'll start to feel better. I'm working from home today, thank goodness. But I was supposed to do JW this morning! I guess I'll do it in the afternoon when I'm feeling better?

Also, I weighed myself this morning. Couldn't help it. My little birthday present to myself. Guess what: 167, baby--and that's with my PJs on! I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Very pleased.

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