Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I am wanting to eat something crunchy/salty or sweet. My work day is slow and so I have more time to think about what I would rather be eating. This is not good. I didn't exercise at lunch. Why? Who knows. Dinner will be light tonight: steamed veggies and veggie burgers. I don't have anything else ready. So it would be okay to have a crunchy snack. But, I don't have anything on hand and I don't think the vending machines will offer good options. The cottage cheese I have waiting in the fridge does not seem appealing..

cereal, milk, berries, coffee: 4.5
oatmeal, milk, dried cherries: 5
diet coke
walked up from 1st floor to 8th floor

turkey sandwich, cut up veggies, apple: 6
1 mini cookie: 1

16.5 so far

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