Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Woke up at 7, which was too late to exercise. What's the matter with me?? I need to learn to wake up earlier...

Breakfast: cereal, milk, coffee: 4

Snack: yogurt: 2

Lunch: 3 slices of turkey, 2 wasa, bag-o-veggies: 4

EXERCISE: 32 minutes elliptical machine at gym in basement of office... better than nothing! I also stretched for about 5 minutes afterward.

Snack: apple, piece of pumpkin bread, 1/2 bagel: 7
(The bagel was an impulse... Stash of food up at the OD waiting area... post work-out feeling hungry and already ate all the food I brought with me. This is bad b/c it's only 2:30 and I need to make it to 5 without eating more!)

17 eaten

Dinner: not sure yet... probably the same as last night!

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