Friday, November 6, 2009

Small victories

I think I've used this title before... no matter, I'm still happy with myself for not eating anything else last night. I know it's only a small victory, but it still feels good. I checked email, read updates on Facebook, read a very depressing article in the New Yorker about solitary confinement (it was from a March issue that I never finished) and went to bed around 9:30. Michael woke up at 11:30 screaming--teething is my guess. We got him back down pretty quickly and we all slept through to about 5:45 when he woke up to nurse. I got out of bed around 6:45. I didn't exercise this morning... I need to work up to the energy/commitment to exercise 1st thing with the boys in the house still. Instead we had a more leisurely breakfast together--which was really nice. I got ready for work, blew out my hair since I have that event later today. I'll plan to do 30 minutes on the elliptical downstairs at lunch (and hope I don't mess up my hair too much!).

The blog, and my little team of cheerleaders, has been so helpful in the past few weeks!!!

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