Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday at home

The power is out at my office. I am home, unexpectedly, and not managing well. I don't even know how to enter into Livestrong what I have eaten today. It's not terrible... but it's not great. So, I'm going to track points today instead.

breakfast: egg+egg white, milk, feta, spinach and zucchini w/little OO: 4

Bites, licks, tastes of chocolate cake: 2

Toddler Carrot Muffin with Raisins (plus some batter): 3

crumbs and few low-fat pita chips: 2

mango: 1

Okay. It's 12 noon. I have not eaten lunch. I have a 1 p.m. conference call. I'm going to do JW now so that I can burn some of these calories. Then I'll have lunch. This day need not be a waste-land of eating!!

turkey sandwich: 5

JW upper and lower body--IT WAS HARD! 3 days of exercise in a row and I'm feeling it! But, in a good way...

17 eaten so far.

In the end, I entered everything into Livestrong... I felt less bad about my intake after the exercise... I still ate nearly all my calories burned. But, I skipped my piece of the chocolate cake after dinner.

Food Item Servings Cals Fat Cholest Sodium Carbs Sugars Fiber Protein
Chocolate Cake 0.50 175 8g 21mg 167mg 28g 15g 2g 2g
Carrot Muffins 2.00 130 4g 1mg 154mg 21g 0g 1g 2g
Mangos 1.00 130 1g 0mg 3mg 28g 24g 3g 1g
Dried Apricot 2.00 34 0g 0mg 2mg 9g 7g 1g 0g
Trader Joe's Reduced Guilt Pita Chips (sea Salt) 1.00 100 3g 0mg 260mg 15g 1g 1g 3g
Multigrain Bread 1.00 140 2g 0mg 250mg 27g 5g 5g 6g
Lettuce 1.00 1 0g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Lite Mayo 1.00 25 2g 0mg 140mg 2g 2g 0g 0g
Sliced Turkey Breast 1.00 66 1g 27mg 600mg 3g 2g 1g 11g
Olive Oil 0.30 36 4g 0mg 0mg 0g 0g 0g 0g
Spinach 1.50 11 0g 0mg 36mg 2g 0g 1g 1g
Zucchini 1.00 15 0g 0mg 5mg 7g 3g 3g 1g
Athenos Feta Cheese 0.50 45 4g 10mg 195mg 1g 0g 0g 4g
egg 1.00 70 5g 215mg 65mg 1g 0g 0g 6g
Egg White 2.00 32 0g 0mg 110mg 0g 0g 0g 8g
Skim Milk 0.10 8 0g 1mg 12mg 1g 1g 0g 1g
Blueberries, Raw 0.50 42 0g 0mg 1mg 11g 8g 2g 1g
Fage 0% Yogurt 0.50 60 0g 0mg 43mg 5g 5g 0g 10g
Honey 0.33 20 0g 0mg 0mg 6g 5g 0g 0g
Trader Giotto's 100% Whole Wheat Pizza Dough 2.00 240 4g 500mg 0mg 48g 0g 8g 8g
Shoprite Mozarella Balls (biazzo Ciligene) 2.00 160 12g 40mg 30mg 0g 0g 0g 10g
Spinach 1.00 7 0g 0mg 24mg 1g 0g 1g 1g
Leek 1.00 54 0g 0mg 18mg 13g 3g 2g 1g
Red Bell Pepper, Raw 0.25 8 0g 0mg 0mg 2g 0g 1g 0g
Kalamata Olives 1.00 68 7g 0mg 394mg 3g 0g 2g 0g
Fitness Minutes Calories Burned
Circuit training: w/some aerobic, minimal rest 40.0 -510.0
Totals: 1,166 55g 814mg 2,508mg 232g 82g 32g 77g

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