Monday, December 7, 2009

Not so good on the weekend

I barely tracked Saturday and Sunday. I made my splurge Sunday since we had friends over. I failed to get in any meaningful exercise... I did a 1.5 hour walk, pushing Michael. But I went with a friend who wanted to do more talking than speed walking and so it wasn't that vigorous.

I had too many extra things yesterday for the splurge. Everything was delicious: desserts from the French bakery at the Dupont Farmers' Market, 2 pieces of Home Made pizza, 2 home made cookies, some cheese, also from Dupont Market; french toast for breakfast (1.5 pieces with syrup).

I balanced this with lentils for lunch, a huge salad to accompany the pizza. I avoided the crakers and just ate the cheese. No alcohol.

I didn't count these things up... I won't now either.

I was 160 or 159.5 on the scale this weekend... but I know that I need to remotivate if I want to meet my goal of being 160 or lower on the WW scale before the end of the year. I don't know why I'm having such trouble...

Tonight for dinner is leftover pizza and salad. Probably I should skip my morning snack in order to save points for the pizza. I'm feeling a little hungry. I did have breakfast at 6:30 (cereal, milk, kiwi, coffee). I need to start making an egg for breakfast again...

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