Monday, December 7, 2009


This has not been my best week. I don't quite know what's wrong with me. Maybe emotional shock/recovery from Thanksgiving? Maybe the weather? I haven't gone crazy overboard but I'm not doing that well either. Today is better, but only slightly. Am I sabotaging myself?? Am I just bored? I am nearly solidly in the 150s... so why can't I motivate to stay focused?

cereal, milk, mango, coffee: 5

sliced turkey: 2

salad w/raisins: 1
sweet potato: 3
crispy curl lentil thingys: 2
1 Godiva chocolate: 2
Part of a tootsie Roll lollipop:1

Returning to this point on Monday... I can't remember what we ate for dinner on Friday. I *think* I stayed within my points for the day, but I can't be sure. We got home late since I stayed to play a little at day care pickup.

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