Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hungry, again...

I know I don't have a tapeworm but honestly, I can't figure out why I've been feeling so hungry lately!!

cereal, milk, blueberries, coffee, 1/3 leftover banana, bites of M's oatmeal: 6

butternut squash soup: 2

celery, carrots, turkey sandwich: 5

2 chocolate covered almonds: 1

1 whole grapefruit: 2

I stopped at TJ on the way home to pick up milk, and a few other things. I bought 2 bags of the lentil crispy curls. I ate more than 1/2 of one of the bags. Shameful. Probably 4 servings (8 points) worth... needless to say, I wasn't hungry for dinner. I had some canellini beans and some edemame... probably 2 points...

So, ultimately I didn't do that badly today--over by 1 point as I write this... but it's disappointing to me that I couldn't control my snacking... eating from the bag on the drive home.

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