Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekend catch-up

I had a very nice weekend--cooked a lot of amazing food for a dinner party Saturday night. I really cut back on what I ate during the day so that I had plenty of points left over by dinner time. I also went on a 2 mile walk. Menu will be listed below...

Saturday morning I did 40 minutes of cardio and then 40 minutes of weights--upper body and core (at the gym with Naomi). My gym guest membership expired this week so no more jaunts with Amy or Naomi on Sunday mornings. This makes me very sad... I might consider buying day passes every once in a while. I'm sore today from the workout. But, my foot still hurts. I've decided that I need to focus on upper body and no-impact cardio for another week until I'm better. Even Jackie upper body and core are straining my foot with the cardio portions. I can't risk a more permanent injury. I'm also buying new athletic shoes. Hopefully this will all work and I'll be feeling better soon.

Sunday afternoon Doug and Michael and I went for a walk to Thomas Sweet so Doug could get an egg cream. I had water. Instead of walking uphill to get home we got on the bus. Michael LOVED it. First bus ride for him. It was very exciting.

I managed my eating quite well yesterday, though I didn't write down what I ate I calculated in my head.

I'm wearing a pencil skirt today that I think looks pretty good. It's only 10 a.m. and I've already received four or five compliments on my outfit!!

Okay, menu for Saturday:

fresh figs with gorgonzola and balsamic vinegar
proscutio wrapped melon
savory parmesan and thyme cookies

plated salads with greens, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, carmelized shallots and oil and vinegar
olive, sun-dried tomato, basil, feta, shrimp pasta--delish
fresh baguette

coffee and apple crisp for dessert

very delicious!!

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