Friday, September 11, 2009

Muffin top

I'm wearing some Tahari jeans today that I bought when I was about 10 pounds lighter. I wore them the night of our rehearsal dinner--5 years ago. They fit okay, a little snug. But yes, they give me a muffin top. At first I didn't really notice it. But as the day has worn on, it's become progressively worse in appearance and physiological impact!! Still, a good measure of my success thus far.

I was 166.5 on the scale yesterday morning. Going in the right direction.

I've slacked off on exercising for the past two days. Michael has been waking up screaming at 5 a.m. and I'm swamped at work. Yesterday working from home I made chicken soup for Rosh Hashanah dinner, did all the laundry, had a friend over for lunch, AND worked a full day. I was too beat to exercise. This morning I did more soup prep--skimming off all the fat and freezing it in ziploc bags, and cleaned the kitchen. That instead of JW...

My eating has strayed a bit too... last night a handful of chocolate chips and some pretzels and bites of Michael's leftover macaroni and cheese (what is wrong with that child!!). Today I've done fine so far but I've eaten 17 points already and I was planning to make salmon for dinner. I think instead I'll do veggie burgers. Not sure where I went over... banana at breakfast and pesto bean salad at lunch--those were the culprits. Not bad for me, just higher in points than my usual fare.

I feel like I've reached a milestone of not having to write down every single bite that goes into my mouth...

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