Friday, September 25, 2009

Tackling TJ Before Lunch

I ran some errands at work today. Tried to buy fabric and a pattern for M's Halloween costume (no lucky). I also went to TJ to get some shelf stable staples that we like from there. This was all before lunch. So, 1/2 way through my TJ shopping I start thinking that maybe I'll open up a bag of something in the car (they were out of the lentil curly crisp things, drat). I was also eying stuff there that I never buy... it was the pre-lunch munchies trying to take over.

BUT, I didn't buy extra (well, maybe one or two things). More importantly, I didn't open anything in the car. I came back to my desk and ate the lunch I brought in: chicken enchillades and roasted veggies (made both yesterday). They didn't exactly go together, but that didn't matter. I don't think I'll make the enchillades again. They didn't turn out quite right... not sure why.

At any rate, I'm pleased with myself for getting through the afternoon without a snack attack!

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