Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I need to start writing down every bite... I don't trust myself to stay on track without that.

2 small pieces of challah with peanut butter and pear butter: 6
coffee with whole milk

snack: banana: 2

lunch: 2 pc multigrain bread, lite mayo, mustard, roasted turkey breast, lettuce, 1/2 c veggie chips: 7

skinny cow: 2
2/3 of a yogurt w/wheat germ: 2

37 minutes on elliptical, level 9 random hills. Badge of sweat feels good. Now stretching....

1/2 c rice, 1 c turkey chili w/extra beans: 7

Now, I think maybe I'm over counting the chili. It's got 3 cans of beans, 2 lbs of ground turkey, 2 28-ounce cans of tomatoes, 2 tbsp of oil, a red pepper and three onions (and spices and stuff...). I counted it as 5 above but maybe it's only 4 for 1/2 a cup??

Anyway, I ate 1/2 of a pear and some of michael's bunny crackers... I'm still hungry at 8:15 but maybe I'm really just thirsty? I'm wishing I hadn't eaten 3 points worth of those veggie chips right now... I'm over for the day by 2. And probably I only did enough exercise to earn 3 points... not quite sure. I have to recheck that...

I'm going to try to just drink water and go to bed. I can eat again tomorrow.

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