Well, it's been a long few days since my last post. After I finally went to sleep, sometime after 11, Michael woke up. At 12. At 1. And at 4. Each time he screamed bloody murder. He's teething. And he had a fever. We kept him home today. He seems better now, but still not totally himself. As a result, the rest of the weekend and today were a blur. I did manage to get out of the house for a quick run to the gym on Sunday. I was very proud of myself for doing this, in the midst of sick-child care. I did a hard 30 minutes on the elliptical using the random hills setting at level 9. Then I stretched and did some weights, upper body only as my foot is still not 100%.
I really don't know what I ate yesterday. Leftovers for dinner but not much the rest of the day so hopefully it all evened out. I did eat 1/2 a chocolate cookie left from the night before. And a mini-brownie. Damn they were good.
This morning I brought the rest of the baked goods (except the apple pie) to work. Good me. Of course then I ate 1.5 brownie bites with my coffee before depositing them at the OD front office. Finally out of my reach!!
Still, I was so busy at work that I didn't have time to eat. I left the house with only a banana... I'm not counting up for the day because I'm feeling lazy. But, it cant' have been that bad. I didn't eat my usual 4.5 point breakfast. Well, whatever.
I came home at 1 to relieve Doug who had to drive out to his office in FFX for a meeting. I took M for a long walk to the park and back. That's my exercise for today. Tomorrow I'm going to have to do stairs b/c there will be no time. I have an early interview and then back to back meetings all day. Craziness!! I'm interviewing candidates for my intern slot. 9 people in 3 days. Oy. We saw two of them today. One was EXTREMELY tall. The other was on the phone so I have no idea if she was tall or not. She sounded to be of normal height.
I'm feeling pretty happy with where I am right now... my clothes fit. A few things are still a little more snug than I would like. My body is definitely different: I fill out my jeans differently. But I'm okay with that. I'm going to take the long-view to make it to 155 with Thanksgiving being my new goal timeframe. This week is going to be hard to get in exercise and I don't want to beat myself up if I can't make it work. With M getting up at night with a sore mouth it's hard to bounce out of bed and to the gym!
Tomorrow all the holiday food will be eaten. That kugel... man. So good. I'm taking the last of it to my coworker tomorrow.
Oh, did my measurements this morning. I'll upload them later.
Monday, September 21, 2009
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