Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 2 of posting

Yesterday's lunch choice botched my day--not by that many points (3?). Nevertheless I was disappointed with my choice. I made up for it by measuring my food at dinner. Lentils are 2 points for 1/2 a cup. How can that be when they're supposed to be so good for you?? I sound like Jenna, frustrated that protein doesn't count for more. With me it's fiber. Fiber the cure-all. Not.

So, the tally for today:

Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) --5 points
cereal 2
1% milk 2
1/2 c berries .5
coffee-milk .5

Breakfast II (9:45 a.m.) --4.5 points
1/2 c oatmeal (I actually measured a level cup today... usually I put more than 1/2 c) 2
1 c 1% milk (also measured... ) 2
10 dried cherries .5
[This makes a much drier/chunkier oatmeal which tells me that I have been eating more than 2 points worth of milk/oats at my second breakfast... I wonder where else I'm undercounting... realization that I must measure... ]

Walked two flights of stairs with Jenna

Lunch (12:15 pm)--7 points
1/2 c lentils with oil dressing 3
chicken 3
steamed veggies/salad 0
balsamic vinaigrette from Jenna 1

Walked one set of stairs...

Snack (2:45 p.m.)
apple 1

Snack II (3:30 p.m.)
Greek yogurt 2
wheat germ 1

That's 20.5 points Dinner is chicken & lentils again... I can eat more lentils--1 c for 4 pts to make it a 7 point meal. Add steamed veggies with olive oil for another 1.5 points. Then 1 point of grapes or watermelon.

It's hard to "budget" exactly the right amount of food. I haven't been strictly following the program in so long that I've forgotten how to do it. Shocking. It used to be second nature... I think it's also easier to be eating fewer points--less counting. Even though that also means managing hunger differently.

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