Trying to get back to normal life, if there is such a thing.
Was 164 on doc's scale this morning --fully dressed, after many coffees/breakfast. Was 158.5 on home scale yesterday. I don't know how that's possible since I ate pound cake for snacks for several days.
Breakfast: egg+egg white, OO, spinach, onion, zucchini, splash of milk, feta: 4
Morning snack: bag o' veggies: 0
Lunch: whole wheat tuscan bread (2), turkey (2), mayo (1), apple (1): 6
Afternoon snack: yogurt (2) with fiber one (1): 3
Afternoon walk: 1.5 miles... 20 min or so...
Driving home was starving: z bar (2)
Dinner: Doug bought the wrong veggie burgers (4), wild rice (2), salad w/edemame, cherries, dressing (2): 8
skinny cow: 2
Total for the day: 25. I'm a little annoyed, but whatever. Day is over.