Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Weekend

I had my splurge last night with Doug--1/2 of a chocolate something I bought at Balducci's to celebrate his last day in Fairfax. So, today is a normal day for me. So far, so good.

cereal, milk: 4

1 c turkey chili: 4
1/4 c leftover Michael's bunny whole wheat crackers: 1?

JW Upper and Lower (yay!! exercise!!

Plan for dinner is this delicious shrimp pasta dish... I also bought fancy cheeses and a bottle of wine (had a small glass last night as well as some cheese... I didn't count up the points, but I don't think I went too crazy. Dinner was soup and some bread... )

apple & 2 tsp PB: 3

butternut squash whole grain muffin: 2

cheese and crackers/wine (oy!): 10--maybe I'm even under-counting? This is what happens when I have a full glass of wine...

1 very small portion of pasta with shrimp, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, shallots, basil, lemon zest and feta: 4

salad with OO and balsamic vinegar

Out trick-or-treating I ate 3 whoppers (just three small pieces that came in one mini thingy) and 1 mini Milky Way bar (not the 'fun' size, but the thumb size, very small square): probably 4 points.

Okay, I went over. I said I wasn't going to but I did... tomorrow is another day. I enjoyed myself, but didn't over-eat. I could have avoided the candy, but whatever...

Now I just have to get all the leftover candy out of my hosue before I eat any of it!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009


I came in to the office for a 1/2 day after a morning home with Michael. My food today was weird b/c it's the end of the week and we're out of a lot of more normal lunch options. I think I did okay. But then at the office there were remnants of the Halloween party and I had some candy corn... totally unnecessary. It was really good, in a way. But not worth it if I'm really honest with myself. It's just sugar. It's not even sugar. It's corn syrup or some other craziness...

I don't know what I'll do for dinner tonight. I took some chili out of the freezer before I left the house but that seems kind of lame. Today was Doug's last day in Fairfax and he will likely want to celebrate... I'm thinking maybe I should pick up something on my way home. But what? I don't want to break the bank here...

cereal, milk, 1/2 banana: 5

carrots, roasted veggies: 2
cottage cheese w/flax meal: 2
apple w/PB: 3

1/4 c candy corn and 1 mini chocolate covered pretzel: 3

0% Fage yogurt

17 so far...

Thursday, October 29, 2009


M still has a fever and so will be home again tomorrow.

I am doing much better. Feeling inspired by everyone else's success.

cereal, milk, few bites of fruit: 4.5

leftover green beans in OO, 1 c roasted veggies: 3

Small handful of kix and freeze dried mango (was starving while trying to get M to sleep in the stroller; desperate snack): 1

3 slices ham, salad w/balsamic vinegar: 2
crunchy curls: 2

BIG apple, decaf coffee w/milk: 2

30 min walk with M in stroller.

about 2 eggs+ egg whites, whole milk, feta (scrambled): 5
2 homemade pancakes w/syrup: 5
roasted veggies: 2

This is very frustrating... I really reigned it in today! I was vigilant. I did not eat even one Berger cookie. But then I just threw together "Breakfast" for dinner without really thinking about how many points I would be eating and I ended up with 12!!! Totally unnecessary. I could have eaten fewer eggs. I even thought to myself as I was eating: wow, this is kind of a lot of food... 

Okay, lesson learned. Breakfast for dinner can be pancakes or eggs, but not both.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For the uninitiated...

Berger Cookie Web site

crazy eating

I bought these killer Berger cookies on Tuesday. Dumb. I have eaten at least 2/day so far... in addition to lots of other insanity that I don't need... of course, I feel sick after these indulgences. But I keep doing it. And, no time to exercise with sick baby...

2.5 homemade whole wheat pancakes w/syrup: 6

3 slices ham, 1 c roasted veggies: 4

2 berger cookies: 5
crunchy curls: 2
yogurt w/wheat germ: 2
cantaloupe: 1

That's 20 points already... and it's only 3 o'clock. I'm really crazy... I need to stop eating.

I have 5 points left for the day. Dinner will be salad and a veggie burger... I will ask Doug to let me get to the gym when he's home...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Stale Candy Corn

I just grabbed a handful of candy corn from a little jar on someone's desk. It was totally stale and gross. Bit into one and spit it out and tossed it all...

I feel saved from unnecessary calories!

Tuesday, back in the office

Doug stayed home with Michael today. I'm in the office.

M spiked a fever of 104.8 last night. Frightening. Still, he had an okay night, woke up twice... and ended up in bed with me. But still, I thought that was find since his fever was down by the morning.

I did pretty well last night. I ate 1 c of turkey chili and some green beans for dinner--probably 5 points. I'm sure I nibbled on other things to get me up to 25 overall but I was very relieved that I didn't totally blow it with the food yesterday, as I feared I would.

Today I have a reasonable lunch packed. Not sure what the dinner plans will be as I expect that the fever will go up right around dinner time.

I just really hope I don't get sick...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, home with sick baby

Home today with M who has a fever... and maybe the flu... challenging when it comes to eating b/c I am full-time baby care which often makes me indulge in cravings. For instance, I want to bake pumpkin bread or brownies or something so there are sweets in the house. I must resist...

3/4 M's waffle with little syrup: 2

oatmeal w/splenda and 15 raisins: 4.5

1 c roasted veggies, turkey sandwich: 6

dried apricots: 2 (dangerous to have them in the house...)

apple w/PB: 3

17.5 already. Yikes... Last night I was so good. Had some grapes for 1 point and ended right on target.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


breakfast: egg+egg white, bread: 3

morning snack: apple+ cottage cheese: 3

lunch: 2 pc bread, turkey, lite mayo, 3/4 c roasted veggies: 6

afternoon snack: dried apricots and carrots, smear of hummos--maybe 2 tsp: 2

crunchy curls: 2
small glass wine (brought over by my neighbor): 2

small potato, 1 c. turkey chili, green beans sauteed with little OO: 6

24 eaten

This means I'm done eating for the day... Maybe I'll have a little fruit. I did better with the protein today but found that I was still hungry during the day. Poor choice of snack--crunchy curls for 2 points?? dumb... wine for another 2? But, now at the end of the day I feel satisfied so I guess all's well that ends well.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


cereal, milk... some of Michael's waffle: 5
1/2 apple: .5
leftover crackers and dried fruit from M's snack (clearly was not prepared for 2 hour wait for H1N1 shot): 3
2 pieces leftover Greek pizza: 6
leftover stirfry veggies: 1.5

Walked 3 miles with stroller. Stood in line/chased Michael around for 2 hours.

cottage cheese: 2

soup with chicken (1/2 c) and noodles (1 c): 6
salad w/OO and vinegar (1)
skinny cow (2)

27 eaten. Should have skipped skinny cow.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I haven't eaten that much today and I feel like my points are all but nearly gone!! I guess that's not really true. I have 7.5 points remaining. That's fine. That's plenty. Why do I feel like I'm deprived??


cereal, milk, 1/2 banana, raisins (I didn't count, but probably 1/4 c, or less): 5

30 min elliptical machine

oatmeal, milk, brown sugar: 4.5

1.5 c crispy curls (those lentil curls from TJ) 3??

stir fry veggies: 2
yogurt: 2
apple: 1


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back to 162.5

Amazingly, I am back to 162.5 after a week of staying on target for points, and exercising 4 times.

I haven't been able to exercise in the last two days. The stress of the day care hunt is all-consuming. And this morning I just didn't have it in me to get to the gym. I will tomorrow. I feel that my body wants to move and I miss the benefits of exercise. But I'm also really struggling with my own internal panic...

cereal, milk, 1/2 banana, 2 2-bite brownies: 9

oatmeal, milk, 1 tsp brown sugar: 4.5

sm can tuna, 2 wasa, cut veggies: 3 (boring lunch but I have no brain for food prep right now)

apple: 1
17.5 so far

Plan for dinner is stir fry veggies, veggie burger w/whole wheat eng muffin. Maybe a sweet potato...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Does heartache burn calories?

We picked a day care today for Michael. We got a good vibe from the place, though it is no ECCC. Michael starts there November 2nd. I am a wreck. Crying, heart-aching. I need to pull myself together before his last day so that I don't totally fall apart. He doesn't need to know that I'm upset about this... he was very happy playing in the new room today. Still... I am dreading leaving our teachers.

I feel myself wanting to eat my way through this... I went to Whole Foods to buy more groceries (since we already ate all the fruit in the house) and came home with their 2-bite brownies.... I wanted to buy more but I restrained myself... so, I went over--of course--with the brownies. I don't even care. I mean, I do... but I'm just dealing with this crappy adjustment to this change. Not well. And I feel like eating brownies.

eggs+egg whites, toast, melon: 4
apple: 1

2 pc multigrain bread, mayo, turkey, lettuce, melon: 6

yogurt+honey: 3

salmon, green beans, curried sweet potato, 1/2 c: 7

4 mini-brownies from Whole Foods: 8

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


multigrain bread (what is up with this, Indya? Am I not supposed to eat this anymore??), 1 egg+egg whites: 3
bites of Michael's leftover banana: .5

No exercise this morning. M woke up at 4 a.m. and cried for 30 minutes... which left me totally zonked. Plus, I blew dry my hair yesterday and it looked too nice to get it all sweaty and messed up. So, skipped. Will plan to workout tomorrow... though, we are taking the day off to tour more day care centers... not sure how this will work...

oatmeal, skim milk, 1 tsp br. sugar: 4.5

turkey, wasa, roasted veggies (1/2 c), raw veggies: 5

apple: 1
1 chips a'hoy cookie: 2?? I have no idea how many points, maybe only 1. It was small. I must be hungry for a snack...

cottage cheese: 2

Dinner tonight will be salmon and steamed veggies with sweet potato: 7

Brings me to 21 points without any dressings, etc. I'm sure I'll eat some fruit tonight...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday... starting the week off right!

Michael woke up at 5 a.m. this morning. We let him cry until 5:10 but then got him out of his crib. Tomorrow we'll try to push him to 5:20. Even though I went to bed at 8 and read until 9, I still probably didn't fall asleep until at least 9:30, which means I got 7.5 hours of sleep. I prefer to get 8...

So, I got up, had breakfast, and got the boys out the door... then posted quickly that I didn't want to exercise, but that I would. I guess I needed that accountability. I did just 30 min on the elliptical trainer, but that is good enough for me, for now. That's four days of exercise since Wednesday. My body is feeling better with adding back in the exercise.

cereal, mango, milk: 4.5

Walked up 8 flights of stairs, once.

turkey, wasa, apple, yogurt: 6
caffeine free diet coke...

2 mini-famous amos cookies (yum): 3

13.5 so far... I haven't eaten enough. But I didn't have time to eat today. I'm stressed about day care and was in meetings.... I'm really starving right now.

1 c white rice (we were out of brown), 1 c turkey chili w/lots of beans: 8
cantaloupe: 1
skinny cow: 2

24.5 eaten. Woo Hoo! Day two of staying on track!

Lazy on monday

I don't want to exercise... But I'm going to do it anyway... I just
haven't gotten my butt off the couch yet. M woke up at 5 am, and
though I went to bed at 9, that still is only 7 hrs of sleep. I need
8! Groan... Okay, going to get in gear now.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

challah with pumpkin butter, 1 egg+egg whites: 6

1/4 bagel w/smear of cream cheese, grapes, tea with honey (snack at interfaith families project gathering): 3

1 piece leftover homemade pizza from yesterday, cottage cheese, apple: 6

LEVEL I Shred (yay!) while Michael ate lunch in high chair. He was fascinated by me and the DVD and ate all of his lunch.

Vigorous and very hilly walk pushing stroller--probably 2.5 miles roundtrip with stops to visit a friend and for M to get out and walk at toddler pace (for 1/4 mile or less).

10 chocolate covered pretzels from Whole Foods: 4?? These are my weakness. I love them... I went to WF for cheese to make more pizza (yes, I"m in a food rut, but now out of homemade pizza dough...) and I was starving and bought them. I probably could have just gotten a bottle of water and been fine, but I didn't. ARGH.

1 c and some noodles chicken soup, roasted veggie (3/4 c), 1 slice homemade pizza with very little cheese: 5
cantaloupe: 1

Total: 25

I'm astonished. I just added this up all now. I didn't go over. I can't believe it. Am I forgetting something??? I'm going to drink a big glass of water and then go to bed so as to not eat anything else and wreck my day!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday... not great

cereal, milk, 1.5 tbsp raisins: 5
pineapple: 1

1/2 cereal bar: 1.5

homemade chicken soup with noodles: 3, 1 slice homemade pizza (mostly veggies, thin crust): 3

salmon (4), new potatoes (4), salad w/dressing (1), cheese (2), pita chips (1): 12
1 glass wine (3?)
1/2 c ice cream (4)
1 piece almond bark --not worth it... (3?)

34 points eaten. No exercise.... This is an annoying splurge day. I don't feel like I actually splurged, though I did have 7 points of "dessert". We went to dinner at our friends' house. We had a really fun time but I didn't feel like the food was all that. It was yummy, and actually relatively healthy. I enjoyed my glass of wine. The dessert wasn't worth it... but whatever. Live and learn.

I will exercise tomorrow.

Now, I'm going to bed.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 3

Apple & PB: 3
challah and pumpkin butter (smaller piece than yesterday): 3

cottage cheese: 2

2 pc multigrain bread, mayo, turkey: 5
few multigrain pita chips: 1

bowl of roasted veggies: 3

nearly 5 and haven't done JM... rats. Doug and Michael are on the way home now...means I'll probably skip today...

17 eaten

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 2 of exercise/counting

So, a few victories from yesterday: I did not have seconds for dessert, even though I wanted them. Instead I brushed my teeth and read a magazine in bed. I am pretty sure I also ate within my points yesterday.


1 piece challah with pumpkin butter: 4

LEVEL I Shred (Thanks, Indya!!)

Butternut Squash soup: 2

2 pc bread, mayo, turkey: 5
apple: 1

1/2 c br. rice, 1 c TJ Korma w/chicken and veggies: 7
1/2 caramel apple: 2
pineapple: 1

20 eaten so far. I wasn't very hungry today... probably because of this rotten cold. I will likely eat something else before the end of the night. I bought veggies for roasting tomorrow. I'm planning to work from home since I feel so lousy. Will be nice to have those made by the afternoon.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I almost forgot!

I did the Shred: level 1.
It was hard, but felt really good. Down side: I think I'm sore already!!!

Intake for Wednesday

3/4 home made pancake with syrup: 3

leftover wheat berry salad... a little over 1 cup: 5

busy working on the costume and didn't remember to eat!! Now, starved. Must consider options...

2 pieces of multigrain bread, lite mayo, mustard, turkey, 1 c fruit salad, multigrain pita chips: 8

1/2 c brown rice (2), 1 c chicken, sweet potato, reg potato, onion, carrot simmer sauce from TJ (4): 6

22 eaten...

planning to finish off the mint chip tonight. probably only 2 pts worth in the carton...

+ .5

I'm not going in the right direction here. Granted, I have not been on track with food or exercise. We have a lot going on in our lives right now and I find that when things get crazy I feel entitled to eat. Last night it was the lite mint chocolate chip ice cream I bought for dessert on Saturday night. But I also ate 3 pieces of maple candy... and readers already know that I didn't think the 1st piece was worth it! Foolish.

I'm now 2 pounds over my lowest recorded weight here. I'm frustrated. I need to get back on track, clearly. Today is my work-from-home day but I'm not prepared with anything to cook for the week... I might just run out to the store to pick up some veggies for roasting or something. I also need to exercise. I should do that in the a.m. before the day gets away from me.

At least I'm back to sleeping through the night. Although, we're only on night 2.

Meanwhile, I now have Michael's cold. Sore throat, congested.

And, I had a horrible dream last night that my mom died. I was frantic.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Up in the air

Things are still up in the air with us vis-a-vis childcare for Michael with Doug's new job. We saw 2 centers today. Neither hold a candle to our current place. I want to cry. But, I think the care will be good at the 2nd place. We will have to move him at age 3, if not before, because they only go up to that age... small center. I'm trying not to be depressed.

Meanwhile, on the food front, I have no idea what's going on.

cereal, milk, 1/2 banana: 5

cottage cheese: 2

dried mango, choc covered pretzels (stopped at whole foods for D to get lunch... ) 3

1/2 banana: 2
4 thin slices of turkey: 2
2 wasa, salad: 2
1 maple candy (not worth it!!!!!): 1

15 eaten

dinner tonight will be butternut squash soup, salad, giant beans, and veggie burgers. Totally do-able to stay within points.

Exercise was walking to and from the day care center and visitor parking--probably 1 mile total. But at least I moved my body. I'm really starting to feel the lack of exercise, and it doesn't feel good.

On a positive note, Michael slept THROUGH THE NIGHT for the first time in probably a month. And, at bed time he only cried for 30 minutes. Victory. But, his voice is totally hoarse from all the crying on Sunday night. Poor little guy!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Long weekend

We are still living the nightmare of non-sleeping toddler. Finally
tonight D agreed to let him cry it out. It's been a little over 40 min
now... Still going. I'm in the bedroom with all the lights out and
wearing earplugs. This sucks.

Foodwise I did okay this weekend. Yesterday we went to the building
museum and then came home and made whole wheat pizzas from TJ, a big
salad, and Greek giant beans with tomatoes and onions. Dessert was
lite mint choc chip. I started with less than 1/2 c but then went back
for seconds and ate more than 1/2 c. Lunch was wheatberries, yogurt,
and fruit. Egg and toast for breakfast. I didn't count it up.

Today had cereal and 1/2 banana. Then 1/4 c of trail mix @ friend's
house. At home I had a big salad, no dressing, some beans, and a
turkey on multigrain. Then ate a piece of graham cracker for something
sweet. We went to pick apples in the afternoon. Ate two apples while
there and two bites of D's cliff bar on the way home. Dinner was left
over pizza--two pieces of spinach/feta, one of veggie/mozzarella.
Dessert was 1/2 a caramel apple.

I haven't exercised at all. I would like to do something tomorrow but
I'm not going to make myself crazy if I don't. I want to go clothes
shopping (looking for some stuff on sale at lord+taylor or banana
where I have a coupon). Then we are seeing friends in the afternoon.

I am glad that although I made pie crusts for the apples we got today,
I did not bake pie. I'll freeze them for thanksgiving... Much better
than eating them now.

M is still screaming. Man, this bites. I hope D stays strong in the

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Friday, October 9, 2009


cereal/berries/milk: 3.5

skipped morning snack since I was touring a day care

1/2 c brown rice, 1 c chicken stir fry with lots of veggies: 6

apple, yogurt, small piece of home made banana bread, 10 peanut m'n'ms (why??): 8

(I'm estimating the points on the bread/chocolate... I went for a little 10 min break with some friends at work and ended up blowing like 5 points... maybe it was only 4 points... whatever. I'm annoyed)

17.5 eaten

This leaves me with 7.5 for dinner. That should be fine, but I was planning to have more stirfry... means less rice if I want anything else to eat tonight.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


1 c fiber one, 1 c skim milk, raspberries: 3.5

1/2 c wheatberries with drop of maple syrup: 2

Steamed zucchini, sugar snap peas, 1/2 a sweet potato, Fage 0% yogurt, 2.5 pieces of home made whole wheat bread and a few spoonfuls of hummos, 1/4 c rice dish: 8

1 slice carmel apple cake: 4

rice & chicken stirfry: 7

skinny cow: 2

Went over by 1 pt

164: not terrible

I stepped on the scale this morning not sure of what I might see. 164 didn't seem too bad considering how out of control I felt in Chicago. Truth be told, I did not stuff myself. But I ate more food (and more high cal food) than I usually do.

I felt very in control yesterday, despite no food in the fridge when I got home and no exercise clothes at work. I went to TJ after work (while a little hungry) but didn't buy any crap and didn't open anything to snack on the way home.

Michael slept slightly better last night. He went down without nursing, but in our bed with me lying next to him, around 8:30 and slept until 2:30. Then he nursed in bed with us again. I tried to take him back to his crib but he woke up and said "no". So, being the pushover that I am and not feeling ready to deal with crying, I brought him back to bed where we all slept until 5:45. Though this certainly is not perfect, it is an improvement!

This morning instead of exercise I cleaned up in anticipation of the cleaning lady (you know how that is... lots of stuff to put away).

Dinner tonight is chicken stir fry with snap peas, mushrooms, red peppers and bamboo shoots. YUM. I wish I had taken the time to cut up the chicken before I left for work... oh well.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday food intake

breakfast: cereal w/skim milk, cantaloupe: 5

snack: oatmeal exploded in microwave: 3

20 minute speed walk around the block

lunch: carrots, tiny tuna tin, 2 wasa, apple: 4

snack: yogurt: 2

Pre-dinner snack: whole wheat pita chips: 2
Dinner: chili and brown rice: 7
Skinny Cow: 2

That's 25 points. I was really hungry when I got home so ate the pita chips. They had 3/4 c. white rice (they were out of frozen brown rice at TJ and I didn't have time to actually cook rice). I kind of wish I had room for a piece of fruit, but I'm fine. Not hungry. I got some exercise today, though definitely not enough.

Depending on what happens tonight I will try to do the Shred tomorrow--20 minutes is a good goal for this first week back.

How to bounce back

I feel like everyone else is doing so well at staying focused in control. I have been traveling and up in the middle of the night and not focused at all.

We're home now with no travel in sight between now and Thanksgiving. Still, I feel like my world has been turned upside down and shaken a little. I need to get back on track and I'm not sure exactly how to do this.

I took Indya's advice and made oatmeal with 1/2 water yesterday morning. I really do prefer it with milk, but I'm moving in the right direction. I can shave off a point that way. Eating at home isn't really an issue. There's no fudge, pumpkin pie, double-chocolate cake, pizza, etc. I was tempted with all those things and more while away. Last night my dinner was two scoops of frozen yogurt at the airport in Chicago. It was good. :)

I also need help on the exercise front. I am back to square one. I have not been exercising regularly for what feels like a month. Probably it hasn't been a month (yet) but at least 2-3 weeks.

I'm using exhaustion as my excuse. My foot injury didn't help either. The fact of the matter is that I am tired. And my foot still hurts, more of an ache than pain. But, I need to "get back in the game". I'm a little paranoid that my clothes are tight already. I'm not sure that's true. But, I am afraid to get on the scale.

How is it that I could be doing so well for so long and then have this dramatic stall-out? I guess that's what happens when life doesn't cooperate with your fitness and diet control goals.

I'd welcome suggestions or commiserations...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Many challenges this trip away. Honey roasted peanuts and cheese and
crackers before dinner. Oye. Ate some. More than necessary but with
the hour change dinner was a lot later than I'm accustomed. Meanwhile,
dinner was pizza and salad already drenched with dressing. Ate two
small pieces and some salad. Two glasses of white wine. Skipped
dessert which was cherry pie.

Today, breakfast appeared to be muffins. Ugh. I ate 1/2 a zucchini
muffin and an apple. Then realized oatmeal was an option and had with
2% milk--only option. Later had 1 pc veggie pizza. Lunch was weird---
can't even get into details why but I had 1 c or less of baked zitti.
No idea what was in it. Declined multiple offers of bread. Drank

Victory was later in the day at pumpkin patch when my diabetic aunt
bought 1/2 lb fudge and offered me some, plus offers from staff of
apple cinamon donut samples. Said aunt had 3.

Dinner was small piece of salmon, green beans, sweet corn and 2
smallish pieces of foccacia. Could have skipped bread but didn't. Now
being offered pumpkin pie. I'll likely have a small piece and then go
to bed. I'm exhausted. M was up 3 times last night.

No exercise today. Except short walk to the park and 2nd short walk
around my aunt's house.

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Not starting off well

No chance to exercise this morning. I really have falled off the
wagon. Eating was ok but not great. Packed cottage cheese to eat at
airport but then got potbelly sandwich as well--whole wheat, skinny
(which means 1/3 less bread), turkey, no cheese. No chips (doug had
some) and water. Snacking on toddler muffins I made for M, just not
conscious enough of the bites and how they add up.

M was also up from 1:30 to 3 last night. But, I packed workout stuff
for the trip. My goal is to get in at least one long walk every day. I
will reassess the exercise situation at home when we get back. I went
from 5 or 4 times a week to 2. That won't work.

Btw, dulles is as quiet as a library. It's a little eerie!

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Friday, October 2, 2009

Driven to eat... nearly

We have been trying to get M to sleep for over an hour--close to an hour and a half. Nada. Doug finally took him in the bedroom to lie down with him. I have no idea what's going on but I'm done. I can't take this. I'm so spent. When I first sat down to the computer I was plotting in my mind what things I could eat. Now I'm feeling mildly calmer and less likely to binge. We are so sleep deprived lately. I don't know what happened to our boy who would plop himself down--wide-awake--to go to sleep each night. What has replaced him is something like a newborn in size 18 month clothes.

Enough!!!! Oy. Thank god there are two parents in this house.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day 2 of accounting

No exercise today. Well, I walked up 8 flights of stairs once. M was up at 4 a.m. again... too hard to get up to exercise on days like that. Hopefully I'll get in a walk this afternoon (leaving early to relieve Doug who is home with M).

cereal, milk, nectarine: 5
0% fage yogurt: 2
2 pc multigrain bread w/lite mayo+ turkey: 5
pear: 1
salad w/dried cherries and garbanzo beans: 1
2 mini famous amos cookies (they were in the OD suite and I walked by them a few times before I finally indulged. The bad part is that after 2, I wanted more...): 2

1/2 c brown rice, 1 c chili: 6

challah with pear butter, 3 small pieces... I'm sure with this I went over my points for the day... rats.